I stand tall along the side of an old gravel road that really isn’t going anywhere. I do not speak. I do not have to, each shoe nailed to me is a silent reminder of events. Were they happy, sad? Moments of tender remembrances. Some of the shoes have moments written in them, others are just quietly nailed to me; the moment to be remembered only by the one who lovingly nailed the shoe to my trunk. Maybe these shoes are of hopes and dreams of adventures yet to be experienced and embraced.
I have to wonder what is your story? What pair of shoes would you nail to me? Is it a pair of shoes you wore on your wedding day? The day you graduated from college? Your first day on the job? Your first love? The birth of your child? Maybe it was a pair of shoes you wore on a very tragic day. Maybe the shoes you wore when you gave your life to Christ?
The song we used to sing in Sabbath School,” Do you know oh Christian, you’re a sermon in shoes? Do you know oh Christian you’re a sermon in shoes? When the captain calls you to spread the gospel news so walk it and talk it a sermon in shoes”.
Yes, our lives, our actions are a constant mini sermon to everyone around us. What living sermon do we share?
I know of another tree from long ago. This tree is a tree of great sorrow and joy for on this tree my sins were nailed and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus. Through His ultimate sacrifice on the cross we are washed as white as snow and covered by Jesus’ blood.
John 3: 14, 15 tell us “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”
Colossians 2:14 tells us that our sins are forgiven and are nailed to the cross thereby renewing our relationship with God.
My friends I ask you, have you chosen to travel your life journey in shoes that are a living, loving, and caring sermon reflecting Christ’s great sacrifice on each one of our behalf’s? Or are we more interested in just getting to the destination unmindful of how we arrive?
Written by and shared with the permission of: Debra Cox